Will Work for Beer?

Will Work for Beer – Finding Work in Costa Rica

What if in some magical dreamland the “Will work for beer sign” that you kept under the bed just because you thought it was funny actually WORKED? What if it was a real job and not the here’s a six pack now get in the back seat type of gig? What if you did a days work and now your fridge looks like this?

Fridge full of beer

Well it has happened to us and we are pretty gosh darn happy about it, cheers.

The conversation about taking some images started when we went to pick up Barry’s Dad, Peter, from the airport. He was coming down to help us lay the ceramic tile and build the outdoor oven in our new cabinas. We thought we should take him the long, scenic way back through Cartago, get our growlers filled with some micro brew and have what we believe to be the best burger in Costa Rica before working him to death on our farm. This way, he would think that the whole visit was going to be fun and pain free. When we were getting the growlers filled I popped out a business card and handed it to some guy at Craft Brewing Company that looked important. He said there might be an opportunity to take some shots of his beers emphasizing their colors. I sent an e-mail the next week to follow up and mentioned that we would be open to payment in kind. We received the green light and the rest of the story is remembered with fondness every time we open our refrigerator door and are basked in the amber colored glow.

Here is Peter working on the new outdoor oven. We are going to have a coming out BBQ but the cement must cure first. Outdoor oven building

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