Tag Archives: snake

porthidium nasutum

Rain Forest Hog Nosed Pit Viper (Porthidium nasutum)

A collection of our Rain Forest Hog Nosed Pit Viper images. These different snakes have all been collected here on our property. We started collecting them for photographing in 2011. Some general characteristics are: Rain forest hog nosed pit vipers don’t care to be bothered. We have come upon every one of these and their

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Macro snake head

Cloudy Snail Eater (Sibon nebulatus) Lichen-Colored Snail Eater (Sibon longifrenis)

A Cloudy Snail Eater and a Lichen-colored Snail Eater Snake found in Limon Costa Rica We found this average sized snail eater while taking down our bamboo passion fruit trellis. He was lodged in one of the corners about 7-8 feet off of the ground. That let us know that this is an adult snake

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A Satint Parrot Snake with mouth open

Snake Photography, How to Set up the Shot

Photographing Snakes, how to light the scene, when to shoot and how to stay safe. First a warning, without snake handling experience it is not advisable to handle snakes, especially the venomous ones. Remember to  ALWAYS STAY OUT OF STRIKING DISTANCE! Never touch the snake, they are not intelligent creatures. Their behavior is instinct driven, consequently your hand

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False Coral Photo

False Coral Coral Falsa Snake (Erythrolamprus mimus)

False Coral Snake Coral Falsa Culebra (Erythrolamprus mimus) This False Coral Snake was crossing Barry’s path as he went to check on a leak in our water source. He was with a Costa Rican that wanted to immediately kill the snake thinking that it was a “real” Coral, which has an extremely deadly poison. Barry told

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7 Super Shots

7 Super Shots We received an e-mail from Erin at Delapuravida.com nominating us to participate in a blog/photography game started by Hostelbookers. I have only met Erin thorugh her blog and email but I know that I would very much enjoy meeting her face to face. She also lives in Costa Rica and blogs about her experiences here. I like

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bothrops asper

Fer-de-Lance (Bothrops asper) – The Deadliest Snake

Fer de Lance (Bothrops asper) an adult and a juvenile found in San Miguel de Matina, Costa Rica. Barry shot this Fer de Lance using two separate backgrounds. A similar colored tree branch to show the amazing, natural camoflauge of this snake and a large bunch of poisonous, tropical berries as a contrast to display

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Common Blunt Headed Snake

Common Blunt Headed Snake (Imantodes cenchoa)

Common Blunt Headed Snake (Imantodes cenchoa) We originally thought this was a Cat-Eyed Tree Snake because of its large, protruding eyes but after a bit more research we believe this to be a Common Blunt-Headed Snake. He was lying in the bananas waiting for a gecko to pass but instead he found Barry’s lens. He

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