Tag Archives: frog

transparent frog

Granular Glass Frog (Cochranella granulosa)

Glass Frogs have translucent skin so  you can see their intestines and bones. To find a Glass Frog you must be out at night and searching along a stream with vegetation on the banks. Your best bet for finding one of these see through creatures is listening for the call, which is a high-pitched chirp. A male glass frog chooses a leaf that

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Phyllobates lugubris

Striped Poison Dart Frog (Phyllobates lugubris) aka Lovely Dart Frog

Barely noticeable in the leaf litter this frog of only 2 centimeters jumps from one hiding place to another. His stripes are thought to be designed to keep predators away but it doesn’t seem to make him any less cautious. After all he is just one cow hoof away from death by mud inhalation. The striped

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Masked Smiliska Tree Frog

Masked Smilisca (Smilisca phaeota) – Tree Frog

Smilisca Tree Frog (Smilisca phaeota) found in Limon Costa Rica This Masked Smilisca Tree Frog was an excellent model. When we moved her from the bamboo to the lipstick palm she just clung on and waited for us to get the shot. We found her in a puddle surrounding our construction site. She had probably just laid

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Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) Black and Green

Black and Green Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) in a croton. This Dendrobates auratus poison dart frog is much bigger than the previous ones we have seen. We frequently have the little red and blue ones (Oophaga pumilio) on the bases of our trees and every so often we get to see a cute little black and green

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Tree Frog Silhouette

Olive Tree Frog in Costa Rica (Scinax elaeochrous)

Olive Tree Frog (Scinax elaeochrous)  The Olive Tree Frog certainly has style. It is the most common frog found in the Caribbean lowlands of Central America below 1,000 meters. This frog lives high in the forest canopy but comes down to the ground for mating. While calling out during mating season this frogs under-belly turns

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