Tag Archives: food

Fresh Corn Cobs

Fresh Corn Corn Bread or Costa Rica Pan de Elote

Pan de Elote is Costa Rica Corn Bread using Fresh Corn from the Cob Growing corn in the rain forest is difficult. Growing corn in the rain forest without chemicals is near impossible. Bugs, worms, heavy rains are just a few of the many reasons we have only a small amount of corn this year. We planted about

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A Tamale on Plate

Making Tamales for Christmas in Costa Rica (Video)

A video on making tamales for christmas in Costa Rica. How we did our part by getting leaves from the yuti growing in our yard. We were lucky enough this year to have some friends invite us over to make tamales, which is a Christmas tradition here in Costa Rica. Our involvement was to bring

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Araza Fruit seeds

Araza Fruit, Araca Boi (Eugenia stipitata) – Smoothie ingredient

Araza Fruit, Araca Boi (Eugenia stipitata) Identification & Uses Araza a really sour, yellow, softball sized fruit that has a thin outer peel. So thin in fact that this fruit is not exported because it travels so poorly. Its center is filled with seeds and the surrounding flesh is creamy with an extremely pleasant smell.  

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steaming pejibaye

Pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) Peach Palm – Harvesting to Cooking (VIDEO)

Harvesting, Cooking and Preparing Pejibaye, Peach Palm Fruit Pejibaye, or Peach Palm, is a squash type fruit that grows high in the leaves of an extremely spiny and dangerous palm tree here in Costa Rica. Twice a year this palm opens up a huge clam shell leaf and white seeds hang on strings from it,

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