Cloudy Snail Eater (Sibon nebulatus) Lichen-Colored Snail Eater (Sibon longifrenis)

A Cloudy Snail Eater and a Lichen-colored Snail Eater Snake found in Limon Costa Rica

We found this average sized snail eater while taking down our bamboo passion fruit trellis. He was lodged in one of the corners about 7-8 feet off of the ground. That let us know that this is an adult snake because the juveniles of this species are terrestrial. These snakes are not harmful to humans they eat mostly snails and slugs using their special jaws and teeth. They use their needle like teeth to extract snails from their shells while their bottom jaw holds and moves the shell to help the process.

Macro snake head

Look at the above image. The eyes are bulging and the head is mostly round. Then look at the image below. The head is flattened and the eyes focused. This is a defensive pose put on by the snake that is believed to mimic a pit viper. It takes on this position when it feels threatened.

Cloudy Snail Eater Snake

These snakes can be found from Mexico to Columbia from sea level to 2400 foot elevations. In Costa Rica there are many variations of snail eaters including the lichen-colored and the banded. 

sibon nebulata It is a very clingy snake that uses its prehensile tail to adhere to branches.
Snail Eater head

 Lichen-colored Snail Eater

Found in Chilimate, Limon at Selva Verde Lodge this snail eater was in 2 meter high brush close to a trail just after dusk.

snail eater Sibon longifrenis

lichen colored snail eater

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