Don’t make me watch!

I of course am talking about Firefly, the one season television series from Sci-fi. Barry watched it last December when we first arrived. He asked me if I wanted to watch with him and after hearing about its cult-like fan base I decided to pass. In the states, I saw the kind of people who drove the cars that had the firefly window decal on them and if I really knew those people our blog would look way better than this, if you know what I mean. So, he would stay up late and get a few episodes in while I enjoyed an early sleep. I was waking up at 3:30 in those days because we lived on the dairy farm at the time and well that issue has already been discussed here. So time passes and it’s now November of the next year and since the darkness starts exactly at 6 p.m. every night one’s level of things that are acceptable for viewing degrades and I say…

Kim – How campy was firefly?

Barry – It was pretty good, I’ll watch it again with you.

Kim – But, is it more like Star Trek or Xena?

Barry – It’s not like either. It’s good. I’ll watch it again.

Just so you know Barry never gives a straight answer. I used to think he was avoiding the questions but after 4 years of marriage I have figured out that he can’t think of more than one thing at once and if he’s thinking about watching Firefly over again he cannot be thinking about how campy it is. Also, I am a little bit older than Barry so maybe “campy” wasn’t a word that triggered any response. For example, he’s never seen Rocky Horror.

Firefly is very campy with a script that is better than Xena and characters you won’t like as much as Spock and Jim. I still have watched the entire and only season and I over-all-ish-ly like it. The whole reason I  thought of this tonight is because the spaceships navigator wears cover-alls with a leather pocketed vest.

Kim – What in the heck kinda outfit is that?

Barry- It’s cover-alls with a vest, what?

Kim – Who wears cover-alls with a vest on top? Don’t cover-alls come with pockets?

Barry – That’s the outfit that a pilot needs.

Soooo…. the real reason that I thought of this is because Barry went for a night time river walk on our farm tonight and as he gathered his 2 lights, his bags for collecting animals, his machete, his hat, etc. I figured it out.

What he needs is a pair of cover-alls with a vest on top to
wear tonight.

The image used as the identifier on this post is not from 10 Degrees Above, as are all other images on this site

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